The new Sportsmanship & Respect campaign of the Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB) with the slogan "Hoe los jij het op?" ("How do you solve this?") was launched with the website on Sunday, 13 September 2022 with the start of the new season. This season, the focus of the campaign will be on older youth.
The KNHB is aiming the campaign this season at A and B youth teams because it became apparent from the card statistics of the 2008-2022 season that the number of yellow and red cards amongst older boys is relatively high. The total number of yellow and red cards awarded has decreased however.
On the website, you can download e-cards, wall papers, screen savers, banners and posters. By sending e-cards, youth teams also have the opportunity to win a meeting with the Dutch women's national team.
Clubs can download all communications tools of the campaign "How do you solve this?" from the website and place them on their on website or use them in narrowcasting. The campaign website has been developed by Bitfactory and Toon van Driel.
Source: KNHB