Contact Persons Kelley Fisher
Role in NA Sport Development, USA Field Hockey
When and where? There were several youth hockey events organised across the USA. An event was held in the states of California, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The events were held on 20 and 21 May.
What was the target group? USA scholastic youth
How many people took part? 1,500 across six events
Description/aim of the event The event was held to give our youth athletes a fun, competitive, festive event on artifical surfaces. We also offered the Boost umpire program to youth who wanted to give umpiring a try. The Boost umpires received a t-shirt and whistle.
Follow-up from the event USA Field Hockey would like to run similar events for younger youth and be more inclusive with boys. The largest percentage of players in the USA is woman and girls. We need to encourage young boys to play the game.