FIH National Association Development Fund
Each National Association can apply for a grant from the FIH NA Development Fund. FIH provides grants for a two-year cycle. The next cycle is for 2008/2022. Grants range from CHF 2,000 (A-grant) up to CHF 20,000 (B-grant).
The grants are meant to contribute to the development of hockey in each country. This could be for:
promoting the sport in order to attract more youth and older hockey players or sponsors;
projects enabling a higher quality of playing, umpiring, administration or communication;
for structural hockey development planning.
Grants can be either in cash or in kind (such as hockey equipment, assistance from a FIH-certified expert to conduct a course or assistance with hockey development planning).
For more information about the FIH NA Development Fund for 2008/2022, access the links below: