We are very pleased to announce that the FIH with the cooperation of Asian Hockey Federation and Pakistan Hockey Federation will be organising, a FIH High Performance Coaching Course, which will take place during the Men's Champions Trophy Tournament. The course will be held from Tuesday 30th November at 18:30 (dinner) to Tuesday 7th December 2004 (Breakfast) in Lahore, Pakistan.
We would like to express our gratitude for the kind hospitality and the support from the Pakistan Hockey Federation in organising this important event.
FIH Top Coaches, Tayyab Ikram, FIH Master Coach, former National advisor coach of Pakistan Men’s Team and Former Coach of China and Paul Lissek World renowned coaching legend who is also the FIH Master Coach and Olympic Gold medallist Coach will conduct this Course.
Theo Ykema, Chairman FIH DCC will supervise the course as Course director.
Roelant Oltmans, FIH Master Coach and coach of Gold Medallist Netherlands Men’s teams at Atlanta Olympics 1996 and Utrecht Men’s World Cup 1998, Bernhard Peters, from Germany, Coach of Gold medallist Germany Men’s team at Kuala Lumpur World Cup 2002 as well as Gold medallist Germany Men’s team at Barcelona European Nations Cup in September 2003 and Maurits Hendricks from Netherlands, FIH Master Coach and coach of Gold medallist Netherlands Men’s Team at Sydney Olympics will be the presenters.
All the conductors and presenters have impressive experience of international coaching and conducting Coaching Courses at top level around the world, other top Coaches will also be invited to participate in forum discussions.
Candidates for participation in this FIH High Performance Coaching Course must be knowledgeable and experienced coaches in High Performance Coaching with good understanding of English. (Please see below the general criteria for participation).
Special Invitations
FIHDCC will also extend special invitations to the outstanding and prominent coaches, who were recommended officially for the final seminars, to contribute and share their experiences with other participants by presenting their high performance topics. This special group of invited prominent coaches will have the opportunity to earn FIH Coach Accreditation and for current FIH Coaches to earn upgrading.
In addition to the honour and recognition that FIH accreditation brings to the coach it also makes them eligible to conduct courses and other assignments of the FIH and Continental Hockey Federations, including the Olympic Solidarity programmes.
An excellent opportunity
We are convinced that this course will be an excellent opportunity for coaches from all over the world to gain knowledge and experience in an international exchange. It will be a learning experience as well as an opportunity to qualify in the FIH certification and accreditation system.
The course will be held in accordance with the FIH Guidelines for the Organisation of Coaching Courses and the Certification of Coaches. However the course will be of a special design, in order to fit the needs of all National Associations optimally. The new version of the Guidelines mentioned above is available at the FIH web site in the coaching section and is also available from your Association. More copies can be obtained on request from the FIH in Brussels.
Deserving participants can be recommended by the conductors after assessment of their performance and contribution during the course, for participation in a later FIH Final Coaching Seminar, where participants can further earn a nomination as FIH Coach or FIH Coach Grade l (Development or High Performance).
Maximum number of participants: 28 (including Special invitations)
A small number of observers will also be accommodated.
Participants' Qualification:
Coaches who will participate in this course must have good knowledge and experience in hockey coaching in high performance.
High Performance Coaching is the coaching of high level adult hockey players and preparing the teams at high level international competition.
If you have a National Coaching certification system, they must hold the highest degree in their system.
Participants must also be able to transfer their new know-how to other coaches in their countries so that FIH can be sure that coaching standards can be improved by this ongoing effective learning and teaching process.
Participation Fee:
The participation fee, to be paid in advance but after registration (in October) by every participant and observer, is 350.00 Euro. The participants get, at no additional charge, 7 nights lodging in double rooms at the tournament official hotel, all meals from Tuesday 30th November at 18:30 (dinner) to Tuesday 7th December 2004 (Breakfast), entrance tickets for the 2004 Men's Champions Trophy Tournament for the duration of the course, local transportation, refreshments during course hours and an official FIH certificate of participation. There will be some arrangements for the participants if they wish to extend their stay at an extra cost. There will be no reimbursement in case of withdrawal after 10th November 2004.
Course Programme:
The course will include
q Welcome dinner and introductory meeting
q Lectures and practical coaching sessions by FIH Master Coaches, discussions, special presentations, contributions from participants
q Match analysis of the 2004 Men's Champions Trophy Tournament
q Official closing dinner & presentation of certificates of participation.
Note: All the participants will receive the complete course programme after their final registration. They should bring their sports uniform and hockey sticks for practical sessions.
Application to participate is now open, National Hockey Associations affiliated with the FIH can apply for participation in the Lahore FIH High Performance Coaching Course, for two or more of their coaches who meet the requirements mentioned above, by sending the application form to Tayyab Ikram, FIH Coaching Manager (one for each coach) completely filled in and signed on behalf of the National Hockey Association and by the coach concerned by fax (nr. +32 2 219 2761) or E-mail: [email protected] to the attention of Sharon Rowe, Executive Secretary FIH Brussels, before 20th October 2004.
For the selection of the participants, FIH Development & Coaching Committee will look at the qualifications of the applicants, but will also make sure that as many countries as possible will have the opportunity to participate. The FIH will send invitations to register to selected participants before 25th October 2004. Those applicants who could not be selected will also receive a reply.
When sending in applications, National Associations shall give their order of priority, if they apply for more than one coach. The FIH will inform the National Associations before 25th October 2004 about the status of their coaches as some applications may, regretfully, not be accepted, possibly because of the large number of applications.
Click here for the aplication form